Read Well, Write Well

Here’s a list of what we are reading, individually, this April in the Thursdays Writing Collective.

The God of Missed Connections, Elizabeth Bachinsky

Common Non-Sense, Andy Rooney

Let the Crazy Child Write, Clive Matson

Snow Job, William Deverell

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (and Philip too)

Instructions for Panasonic Microwave Oven

Animal Farm, George Orwell

Angel Bible, Doreen Virtue

Malinche, Laura Esquivel

Monkey Beach, Eden Robinson

Photoshop For Photographers

Rommel- Gunner Who? World War 2 Memoirs, Spike Mulligan

The Heart of Islam, Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Red Badge of Courage, Stephen Crane

Year of the Flood, Margaret Atwood

Radiance, Shaena Lambert

McPoems, Billeh Nickerson

When Fox is a Thousand, Larissa Lai

Cancer Ward, Alexander Solzhenitsyn

A Restricted Country, Joan Nestle

Teaching to Trangress, Bell Hooks

Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg

No More Excuses, Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn