

In June 2013 we participated in the 23rd International Virginia Woolf Conference by holding a plenary session. Participants included Erol Almelek, Patrick Foley, Anne Young, Antonette Rea, Irit Shimrat, James McLean, Ruth Dato, Anne Hopkinson and Elee Kraljii Gardiner.


We also held a panel at the V125 Poetry Conference on Downtown Eastside writing, moderated by Elee Kraljii Gardiner and Michael Turner with guests Irit Shimrat, Antonette Rea and Ghia Aweida of Intrepid Pens. Out of this experience we forged a relationship with Canada’s Poet Laureate, Fred Wah. Fred was our guest reader in November 2011 and has asked if he may join the Collective as a participant.


In fall 2011 we participated in a chapbook making workshop with Mercedes Eng that encouraged individuals to publish their work. Antonette Rea created four books that were chosen for display at Project Space‘s Arte Factum exhibit. We sold these chapbooks at Word on the Street.