V6A in Montreal

V6A is launching in Montreal on Tuesday, June 12, 2012! The time changed to 7:30-9;30pm.


We’d like to invite you and your community writing groups to attend and contribute to a discussion after the reading. Editors John Asfour, who lives in Montreal, and Elee Kraljii Gardiner, from Vancouver, will be reading excerpts from V6A: Writing from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and hosting a discussion about neighbourhoods and community. Please join us in exploring the similarities and challenges of Canada’s cities.


We are also celebrating the launch of the Yellow Door reading Series host Ilona Martonfi’s second poetry book, “Black Grass,” (Broken Rules Press, 2012). Ilona is the author of  Blue Poppy (Coracle, 2009) and a teacher and editor. She is the founder, producer and host of The Yellow Door & Visual Arts Centre Readings and the co-founder Lovers and Others. Thank you to Ilona for the warm welcome to Quebec! Milton Dawes will be playing djembe during the evening rather than accompanying Ilona as she reads.